Source code for pyscaffoldext.cookiecutter.extension

"""Extension that integrates cookiecutter templates into PyScaffold.

When used via PyScaffold's Python API (instead of CLI), a ``cookiecutter_params``
keyword argument can be optionally added to :obj:`pyscaffold.api.create_project`,
this argument should be a :obj:`dict` (or a similar object that can be converted to dict
via the :obj:`dict` constructor), and is equivalent to ``extra_context`` in
:obj:`cookicookiecutter.main.cookiecutter` (PyScaffold will always add some default
values, even when no ``cookiecutter_params`` are given).

# This file was transfered from the main PyScaffold repository using
# ``git filter-branch``, and therefore might have lost parts of its
# commit history.
# Please refer to ``pyscaffold`` if that is needed.

from typing import Any, Dict, List

from pyscaffold import file_system as fs
from pyscaffold.actions import Action, ActionParams, ScaffoldOpts, Structure
from pyscaffold.extensions import Extension, store_with
from pyscaffold.log import logger

    "Updating code generated using external tools is not "
    "supported. The extension `cookiecutter` will be ignored, only "
    "changes in PyScaffold core features will take place."

[docs]class Cookiecutter(Extension): """Additionally apply a Cookiecutter template. Note that not all templates are suitable for PyScaffold. Please refer to the docs for more information. """ persist = False
[docs] def augment_cli(self, parser): """Add an option to parser that enables the Cookiecutter extension See :obj:`pyscaffold.extension.Extension.augment_cli`. """ parser.add_argument( self.flag,, action=store_with(self), metavar="TEMPLATE", help=self.help_text, ) parser.add_argument( "--cookiecutter-params", nargs="+", required=False, type=lambda kv: kv.split("=", 1), help="extra parameters to be passed to cookiecutter in the form of " "a space separated list of 'NAME=VALUE' (check the `cookiecutter.json` " "file of the template you are using to see the available parameters). " "Please notice PyScaffold already add some default parameters, check the " "docs for more information.", )
[docs] def activate(self, actions: List[Action]) -> List[Action]: """Register before_create hooks to generate project using Cookiecutter Activate extension. See :obj:`pyscaffold.extension.Extension.activate`.""" actions = self.register(actions, enforce_options, before="get_default_options") return self.register(actions, create_cookiecutter)
[docs]def enforce_options(struct: Structure, opts: ScaffoldOpts) -> ActionParams: """Make sure options reflect the cookiecutter usage. See :obj:`pyscaffold.actions.Action`. """ opts["force"] = True return struct, opts
[docs]def parameters(opts: ScaffoldOpts) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parameters to be passed to cookiecutter as ``extra_context``""" project_name = opts["project_path"].resolve().name return { "full_name": opts["author"], "author": opts["author"], "email": opts["email"], "installable_name": opts["name"], "package_name": opts["package"], "namespace": opts.get("namespace"), "repo_name": project_name, "project_name": project_name, "project_short_description": opts["description"], "release_date": opts["release_date"], "version": "unknown", # will be replaced later "year": opts["year"], **dict(opts.get("cookiecutter_params") or {}), }
[docs]def create_cookiecutter(struct: Structure, opts: ScaffoldOpts) -> ActionParams: """Create a cookie cutter template See :obj:`pyscaffold.actions.Action`. """ if opts.get("update"): logger.warning(UPDATE_WARNING) return struct, opts try: from cookiecutter.main import cookiecutter except Exception as e: raise NotInstalled from e template = opts.get("cookiecutter") if not template: raise MissingTemplate"run", "cookiecutter " + opts["cookiecutter"]) if not opts.get("pretend"): with fs.chdir(opts["project_path"].resolve().parent): cookiecutter(template, no_input=True, extra_context=parameters(opts)) return struct, opts
[docs]class NotInstalled(RuntimeError): """This extension depends on the ``cookiecutter`` package.""" DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "cookiecutter is not installed, " "run: pip install cookiecutter" def __init__(self, message=DEFAULT_MESSAGE, *args, **kwargs): super(NotInstalled, self).__init__(message, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class MissingTemplate(RuntimeError): """A cookiecutter template (git url) is required.""" DEFAULT_MESSAGE = "missing `cookiecutter` option" def __init__(self, message=DEFAULT_MESSAGE, *args, **kwargs): super(MissingTemplate, self).__init__(message, *args, **kwargs)